Curriculum vitae
July 2009-Present Middlebury College Middlebury, VT
- Candidate for the Doctorate in Modern Languages (Italian, Primary; French, Secondary)
- Advisor: Antonio Carlo Vitti
- GPA 4.0/4.0
September 2008- June 2009 University of Chicago Chicago, IL
- Doctoral work in Italian
August 2005- May 2007 Indiana University Bloomington Bloomington, IN
- Masters Degree in Italian Literature
- Minor focus in Comparative Literature & Film Studies
- Advisor: Peter Bondanella
August 2001-May 2005 Dominican University River Forest, IL
- Bachelor of the Arts Degree in Italian Studies and English Literature with a Certificate in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- Graduated from the Honors College with a Degree with Distinction in Italian Studies
- Thesis entitled “Teaching Italian: Immersion Method”
- Graduated magna cum laude/ GPA 3.7/4.0
- Study Abroad: Dominican University Florence Program June-July 2002
- Study Abroad: IES Milano/Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore January-
- June 2004
Professional Positions:
June 2012-August 2012 Middlebury College Middlebury, VT
Direct Assistant to the Director, La scuola italiana
- Served as liaison between the faculty and director/associate director
- Provided faculty with welcome orientation
- Worked with faculty on creation of syllabi/course sites (web pages/Wordpress/Moodle sites)
- Served as liaison between the Italian School and the Library/Information Technology
- Assist in the technological aspects of the Italian School
- Served as the assistant for Vittorio Taviani during his summer visit
- Assist the dean with daily activities
August 2009-Present Rice University Houston, TX
Lecturer in Italian, Center for the Study of Languages
- Teaching load of 3/3
- Organize and run the Italian Language Table
- Created the Circolo Italiano (Italian Club)
- Created a study abroad with students in Taormina, Sicily
- Serve as director of the Taormina study abroad program
- Organized and executed the Center for the Study of Languages‟ International Film Festival
- Assisted in organizing a workshop for the Center for the Study of Languages
- Active with the LRC technology workshops
- Creating new courses on the 300 level
Jan. 2008 – Present Babilonia Lang & Cultural Institute Taormina, Sicily
Lecturer in Italian
- Teaching two specialized, immersion courses: Sicilian Writers, Sicilian Cinema, The Mediterranean Woman, Pirandello: His Times
- Teach during summer and J-term semesters
- Give on-site lectures in Italian and English
- Participate with students in the Taormina International Film Festival
- Organize cultural activities with students throughout Sicily
Summer 2008 Concordia Language Villages Moorhead, MN
Dean of Lago del Bosco New Jersey
- Oversee the running of the entire camp
- Hire/Fire all positions including kitchen staff, waterfront staff, and educators
- Manage the budget
- Work with advertising the program
- Maintain contact with supporters and founders
- Two-week Curriculum Facilitator (three summers)
- Write and edit curriculum for the program
- Train new instructors
- Observe other instructors teaching and critic their styles with them
- Meet with other facilitators to discuss new teaching techniques
- Create/Manage a teaching portfolio to assist newer instructors
August 2007-May 2008 SUNY New Paltz New Paltz, NY
Lecturer in Italian
- Coordinator of the Italian Language Program
- Conduct classroom observations
- Meet, discuss, and create progress growth portfolios with faculty
- Oversee curriculum and evaluations for the Italian Division
- Member of the Italian Studies Committee
- Sit in on meetings
- Plan and organize the Italian Lecturer Series
- Oversee the Italian Scholarship process
- Advisor: Majors/Minors & Study Abroad
- Teaching load of 4/4: Italian Language, Literature, and Cinema courses
- Resurrected & sponsored the Italian Club
- Creator of Cinema Paradiso (Italian Cinema Series) and L’ora della Chiacchiera (entire year)
- Creator of “Feminism: One Voice, One Culture” (Feminist film series from other foreign languages – supplement to my “Beauty & the Beast – Images ofand From Italian Women” cinema course
- Held office hours
- Sat on the departmental curriculum committee
August 2005-May 2007 Indiana University-Bloomington Bloomington, IN
Assistant Instructor of Italian-All levels
- Prepare lesson plans and exams/quizzes
- Teach lessons completely in Italian
- Grade homework and exams
- Grade students
- Hold office hours
June 2006-July 2006 Abbey Road Overseas Program West Hollywood, CA
Italian Instructor
- Lived with a group of 21 high school students in Sorrento, Italy for one month
- Created the syllabus
- Planned, organized, and taught 1.5 hour classroom lessons with a 1.5 hands-on city component
- Tutored Italian in afternoons and evenings
- Organized different weekend trips and activities for the students
- Graded students and their work
June 2005-July 2005 Dominican University River Forest, IL
Resident Assistant and Teaching Assistant in Art History in Florence, Italy
- Lived with a group of 30 students in Florence, Italy for six weeks
- Acted as a liaison between the students and the apartment staff (cleaning lady, manager, etc)
- Tutored Italian in the afternoons and evenings
- Helped plan trips in and outside of Florence
- Reported back information to the Director of Study Abroad in River Forest
- Took attendance for the course of Art History
- Graded exams (multiple choice and short essays)
- Assisted with on-site lectures in museums and churches